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lemon balm fresh in garden

How Long Do Herbs Take to Grow? Ultimate Garden Guide

How Long Do Herbs Take to Grow? Ultimate Garden Guide How Long Do Herbs Take to Grow? As a homesteader, registered nurse, and mom of five, I’ve had my fair share of experiences growing herbs both indoors and outdoors. One of the most common questions I get is how long herbs take to grow. The…

handmade herbal soap
Homemade DIY | Natural Living

How to Make the Best Herbal Soap: Homemade Recipe

How to Make the Best Herbal Soap: Homemade Recipe Why make your own herbal soap? As a mom of five and a registered nurse, I’m always on the lookout for natural ways to support my family’s health and well-being. Making my own herbal soap recipe started as a fun, hands-on project, but it quickly turned…

Elder plant with berries elderberry plant fresh berries
Herbal Remedies | Herbs | Home Medical Care | Natural Living | Syrups

How to Make Elderberry Syrup from Fresh Elderberries: Recipe

How to Make Elderberry Syrup from Fresh Elderberries: Recipe How to make elderberry syrup from fresh elderberries has become a widely searched topic, and for good reason—elderberry syrup is a powerful immune-boosting remedy that many families rely on, especially during flu season. Fresh elderberries, available in late summer, are packed with antiviral properties and powerful…

seasonal allergies woman blowing nose best herbs for allergies into tissue
Best Herbs for | Herbal Remedies | Herbs | Home Medical Care | Natural Living

Best Herbs for Allergies: Natural Remedies for Relief Now

Best Herbs for Allergies: Natural Remedies for Relief Now The best herbs for allergies can provide tremendous relief for those of us who suffer from sneezing, itchy eyes, and nasal congestion. Whether it’s seasonal allergies or reactions to environmental allergens, the symptoms can make everyday life challenging. As a mom of 5 and a Registered…

best herbs for arthritis natural pain relief now
Best Herbs for | Herbs | Home Medical Care | Natural Living | Salves

Best Herbs for Arthritis: Natural Pain Relief Now

Best Herbs for Arthritis: Natural Pain Relief Remedies As a mom of five and an RN, I’ve spent a lot of time searching for the best herbs for arthritis to help my own mother, who has been struggling with severe arthritis. Watching her deal with the pain and stiffness has shown me just how much…

best natural toothpaste and toothbrush
Homemade DIY | Natural Living

Best Natural Toothpaste: Healthy and Easy DIY

Best Natural Toothpaste: Healthy and Easy DIY Natural toothpaste is gaining popularity as people become more conscious of the harsh chemicals found in conventional toothpaste brands. Many of these ingredients, like artificial sweeteners, synthetic ingredients, and fluoride, may not be the best for long-term oral health. As a mom of five, I want to make…