Positive Home Birth Story | Birth of a Large Baby!
I am very excited to share my positive home birth story with you. I again was able to successfully birth at home and deliver another baby over 11lbs! Yet surprisingly, he’s my smallest home birth. This was our 3rd home birth, but our 5th child.
This post will contain some personal and intimate information (otherwise known as TMI). If you’re not comfortable with labor and birth being explained, this post may not be for you. I am trying to make this as medically accurate in terminology as possible for educational purposes.
I have a YouTube video of this positive home birth story as well. It is linked below, or you can find it here. In the video I do also discuss tongue ties that I do not mention in this blog post.
Leading Up to Our Positive Home Birth
My original due date was October 9th based off of when we conceived. I, like many other women, do not fit the standard 28-day cycle and using that to calculate is even more unreliable.
I had been having prodromal labor for maybe 2 weeks. Prodromal labor is when you have real contractions, not Braxton Hicks contractions. To me, BH contractions felt more on top of my uterus (fundus) as to where my prodromal labor was low and even wrapped around into my back. You can sometimes even feel the contraction into your cervix. I would have prodromal labor on and off over these last couple of weeks, before and of course after my EDD (estimated due date). It was becoming very discouraging. In the beginning I was hopeful that labor was immanent but eventually I became very pessimistic.
I did lose my mucus plug two days before Samuel was born, which is very typical for me. I am not someone whose cervix changes prior to labor. If you are someone who changes beforehand, please remember your cervix is not a crystal ball and it will not determine when you go into labor. Cervical checks are highly over rated and unnecessary. Check out this article if you’re interested in learning more about cervical checks.
Night Before Birth
The night before Samuel was born, I started having contractions around 7pm (1900 for my other military time lovers). My husband was getting the other kids ready and into bed while I was denying labor thinking that these contractions would fade out just like they have been for a couple weeks now. Even knowing in my mind that I am 41+ weeks and labor would happen at any time now.
I was trying to walk through my contractions, and even finish cleaning up the kitchen for the night. These contractions were very strong, and I was finding it almost impossible to walk through them or continue my kitchen clean up. I did give up cleaning the kitchen and went into my bedroom to try and relax. I also got into the shower for about 15 minutes to help with the pain. The contractions were never very close together or in a pattern. They were anywhere from 5-15 minutes apart.
Around 9pm (2100), they did fade away. I was trying to not be discouraged and decided that if I did go into active labor tonight, I needed to rest. My husband and I then decided to try and get some sleep. I think this is why my contractions decided to start back up again once I laid down.
Labor Starts to Progress at Home
Around 10pm (2200) after a very hard contraction, I went to the bathroom and there was bloody show. This was truly a first experience for me. Another was that with every single contraction, it made me have to urinate. I’d had prior labors where I needed to urinate so badly, but I couldn’t because baby was in the way, so this was a new experience completely.
With these very strong contractions, I was unable to lay down through them. I was trying to lay down and rest between each one since they were still spaced out even up to 20 minutes apart. When a contraction would start, I’d have to jump out of bed as fast as possible to be in a better position. This continued on for several hours. I did get into the shower a couple more times. The hot water on my low back while using a birthing ball on the back shower bench to lean on worked very well.
Calling the Midwife
Around 3am (0300) I had my husband call the midwife to come. She is about 30 minutes away and since this labor was very intense and had been steady for several hours now, I felt better with the idea of her being with us. Our midwife arrived around 3:30am (0330) and immediately unpacked her things in preparation for birth. In my mind I was not near pushing, but later on she told me that I was making the normal low deep sounds women tend to make right beforehand.
One of the trips to the bathroom is when my water broke around 4am (0400). There was moderate meconium (mec), but considering I was 41+ weeks that was expected. I have delivered babies prior with meconium-stained fluids and there weren’t any issues. I’d also assisted in numerous deliveries in the Navy without any complications as well. For a first-time mom seeing meconium, I can understand it being a little frightening, but I assure you, there really is no cause for alarm just by its presence.
Birth of Our Large Baby Boy
Right after my water broke the contractions became even stronger (which I didn’t think was possible) and I had to grab onto the sink/countertop. My midwife started preparing for me to give birth standing there on the tile floor, but I just couldn’t comprehend giving birth in that tiny space with very little maneuverability. I was able to make it back to my bedside, but I still could not lay or sit down with a contraction. So, laboring with a leg up on the side of the bed I gave birth to our 5th child, Samuel.
Last Stage of Birth
Something to note when birthing in a non-traditional position is that you are still attached to your baby after they’re born. The umbilical cord is rarely cut right away at home (delayed cord clamping). With that said, maneuvering around to make it easy to hold your baby can be tricky. Just be prepared to have to pivot some, but don’t worry, it’s worth it.
Once I was done pivoting to get into bed and hold my son, I was able to start relaxing. However, this is when the placenta must be birthed as well. It is truly an awkward feeling process. You will have to push it out like the baby. Maybe it’s just me, but the placenta is very painful. I’m already feeling trauma like from the baby being born and then something else needs to pass through. I pray I never have twins with this feeling.
My midwife continued with her inspections of myself, baby Samuel and then the placenta. All of us were without complications and the placenta was very healthy and intact. It had not started to deteriorate at all as some people worry about with later delivery dates and “geriatric” mothers (women over 35).
Our Son Samuel
Our son honestly looked smaller to my husband and I. Thinner really. When the midwife measured him (22″ long) and then weighted him (11.8lbs) we were correct that he was in fact smaller than our last two home births, but still in the 11-pound range. Previously, our 3rd baby was born in the pool at home and was 11.14oz and then the baby after was 11.12lbs at home. So, while my trend is going down, they remain in the very large baby category.
Thankfully my midwives have all remarked at how great my pelvis is and my ability to handle these large babies. My previous midwife with my largest baby stated he came out like a cinderblock. While this baby came out without his head molded in any way and a whopping 15″ circumference. Believe me, I felt that head in every way possible.
Clean Up Time
My midwife cleaned up all of the stuff we had used in labor and even changed our sheets for us when I was in the shower. Afterwards, our midwife left, and we were then able to settle in together in our own bed at home. Our other children woke up not long after our midwife left, and thankfully my parents showed up just after to assist with them that day.
This is probably my favorite part about birthing at home. The easy integration of baby into the family. Our children being able to see their new sibling right away. I love witnessing my children start their lifelong bond to their new sibling. I’m sure everyone can also agree that there is nothing better than sleeping at home in your own bed.
I cannot recommend a home birth enough if you are not a true high-risk pregnancy. For more on my thoughts about home birth, check out my other blog post and YouTube video on this subject.
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